Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)

Tuition-free Education to Help Our Customers Thrive

We are partnering with the ICIC, a Boston-based nonprofit, to offer our customers tuition-free, executive education that will help them be more successful business owners. ICIC’s nationally recognized Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC) program is designed to support the growth of small businesses in under-resourced communities. This partnership further expands the financial opportunity Forward offers customers, by including educational opportunity as well.

Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC)

Executive leadership training program offered in cities across the US This “mini-MBA” is for busy small business owners with operations located in under-resourced or economically-distressed areas.

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BBJ Feature: Partners with a Purpose

We know our partnership with ICIC is special, but don’t just take our word for it! Read The Boston Business Journal Partners with a Purpose article, spotlighting effective and unique partnerships between businesses and nonprofits.

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Building Essential Tools and Connections

In 2024, the ICIC served thousands of small business owners. Many of which offered glowing reviews about their experience.

"ICIC helped me learn the importance of strategically assessing and choosing opportunities that align with our company goals. We’ve already implemented systems that improved our contract negotiation protocols."
Jeysi Zuniga Founder & CEO of Synergy Contracting, Inc.